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RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

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  • RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

    Dear Development Team:

    As a player myself in FFXI for the past two years, I have been frustrated as many other players on the incapability of the player to report suspicious activities of well known RMT. Although I am aware that GM's are investigating reports, there are a few game mechanics that could be tweaked to help the players be better reporters.

    There is a huge surge of new RMT teams on each server, many players taking Screenshots of their activities only to be unable to provide the proof to GM's since Windower, which is illegal, provides the ability to Screen Shot conversations and / or activities with text, but it cannot be used as proof or evidence. There are some obvious signs screaming RMT teams (such as lvl 30 teams in Korroloka Tunnel, all rank 1, no sub jobs, no Linkshells or being power leveled by another known RMT) but without the ability to Screen shot, the RMT's themselves even tell us that there is nothing we can do about it and they often, and I mean often tell us in say or in tells that they are in fact teams of RMT and we know there is nothing we can do about it. These questions are following my suggestion of creating a in-game ability to Screen Shot Coversations or /sea alls with a imprinted TIME and DATE to the Screen shot.

    Q: Is it possible to tweak the ingame Screen Shot system to be able to take shots of conversations like that of the windower? Could also that Screen Shot carry on a time and date to further be used as a piece of evidence?

    Q: To aid the GM's in reporting RMT's, would it be a possibility to create a section on Reporting RMT in the Help Desk or in POL? This would of course follow a guideline form with the ability to attach our "Proof" such as screen shots of conversations. The report form could be as the following:

    Name of Player Reporting: Dayala
    Server: Titan
    Activity under suspicion: Ulli botting in Sky
    Time and Date: Monday July 17, 6 PM EST
    Name(s) of players being reported: Kingril, Lovemeizi, Superstar
    Linkshell Associated with the players: MadnessClub, OOOSkyLSOOO
    Evidence to activities: images attached, /sea all Screenshots of their presence in the area at [times], Screen shots of their Bazaars selling ulli stones for various amounts of gil.

    Wouldn't it become obvious after x amount of times that LS is reported by other players? Would it be more helpful in helping GM's focus their attentions on these players / Linkshells?

    Q: Could SE also dedicate GM's to be more server specific? Meaning, can there be a set team of GM's on each server that can become familiar with the player base or end game, observe the activities of what will become obvious RMT activities after a week of observation?
    Last edited by Dayala; 07-24-2006, 04:46 AM.
    Character information:

    ^ Jotroge you roxs my soxs
    Dayala :: 75 RDM / 75 WHM / 75COR / 75 SMN
    EndlessAbyss HNMLS / GreatBelow Dynamis
    Titan Server Rank 10 Sandy | Rank 10 Windy
    RoZ: Completed | CoP: Completed | ToAU: TM Completed
    AF2: 4/5 RDM 2/5 WHM
    Crimson Gear: Hands: O Feet: O Legs: O Head: X Body: X
    Zenith Gear: Hands: O Feet: O Legs: O Head: O Body: X

  • #2
    Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?


    You can not prove they are RMT

    They could sit in one spot every day doing the same thing 24/7 and you could not prove they are RMT

    The could camp the same NM every day for 3 years straight and you would still not be able to prove it's an RMT.

    And unless they *offer* you gil for Rl money in game, you can not do *anything* to prove they are RMT.

    You can only assume, and SE does not like assumptions. Notice when they do the mass bannings, they target botters, hackers, cheaters ect but never flat out RMT. And when people go around crying 'RMT RMT!' the GMs usually don't do anything. It's because there's a very small percent of the community who *hasn't* been accused of being an RMT, whether they are or not. SE has it's method to do things and that's what they'll use.
    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


    • #3
      Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

      Sharing of accounts is in breach of the ToS. Therefore, these individuals you see in Davoi, Castle Oz, etc who are online 24/7 are breaking the rules.


      • #4
        Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

        Yeah but that could change if they tweaked the SS system to allow us to SS conversation with them admitting they are RMT. This suggestion is all based on IF we can SS conversations. Did you even read my post?
        Character information:

        ^ Jotroge you roxs my soxs
        Dayala :: 75 RDM / 75 WHM / 75COR / 75 SMN
        EndlessAbyss HNMLS / GreatBelow Dynamis
        Titan Server Rank 10 Sandy | Rank 10 Windy
        RoZ: Completed | CoP: Completed | ToAU: TM Completed
        AF2: 4/5 RDM 2/5 WHM
        Crimson Gear: Hands: O Feet: O Legs: O Head: X Body: X
        Zenith Gear: Hands: O Feet: O Legs: O Head: O Body: X


        • #5
          Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

          GMs have access to logs. Screenshots not needed.


          • #6
            Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

            As cynical as this is for me to say, I'm willing to bet that the majority of the questions posed to SE will be RMT related. And I'm willing to bet that the majority of them will be ignored.


            • #7
              Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

              How to ban Gilsellers :

              "Join them". Offer to sell gil to Ige, i assume they have to give you an account name to whom to send the gil to, report this person, keep your gil, save the day. SE then can ban all accounts registered with that handle, maybe even with that credit card number. _Hopefully_ theyre all connected with eachother.

              And as to the ss function, i wish they add that too, i've had RMT confess in /t all too often.
              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


              • #8
                Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

                I've reported conversations with Gilsellers and the GMs that responded said there was nothing they could do without proof of them trying to get me to buy gil from them. I figure Screen shots with a marked Date and Time would help them track it down in logs. Cause they always ask "what time has this event taken place" now we could really be specific.
                Character information:

                ^ Jotroge you roxs my soxs
                Dayala :: 75 RDM / 75 WHM / 75COR / 75 SMN
                EndlessAbyss HNMLS / GreatBelow Dynamis
                Titan Server Rank 10 Sandy | Rank 10 Windy
                RoZ: Completed | CoP: Completed | ToAU: TM Completed
                AF2: 4/5 RDM 2/5 WHM
                Crimson Gear: Hands: O Feet: O Legs: O Head: X Body: X
                Zenith Gear: Hands: O Feet: O Legs: O Head: O Body: X


                • #9
                  Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

                  your POL screenshots are saved with a timestamp as the filename.

                  Also, clocks. /clock on.

                  And GMs can't do aynthing unless they offer to sell YOU gil. If you ask, they have to assume you wanted to buy gil, and you're the one at fault.


                  • #10
                    Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

                    What about my Server Specific GM Teams? Wouldn't that be a bit more logical to do then what they do now?
                    Character information:

                    ^ Jotroge you roxs my soxs
                    Dayala :: 75 RDM / 75 WHM / 75COR / 75 SMN
                    EndlessAbyss HNMLS / GreatBelow Dynamis
                    Titan Server Rank 10 Sandy | Rank 10 Windy
                    RoZ: Completed | CoP: Completed | ToAU: TM Completed
                    AF2: 4/5 RDM 2/5 WHM
                    Crimson Gear: Hands: O Feet: O Legs: O Head: X Body: X
                    Zenith Gear: Hands: O Feet: O Legs: O Head: O Body: X


                    • #11
                      Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

                      That would require far more staff than they currently have, I'd imagine. Since they'd need a set team for each server (to ensure 24/7 coverage).


                      • #12
                        Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

                        not really. All that does is take more money, and keep GMs from going where needed.

                        GM prime responsibility is tech support, and reporting important issues to the dev team. This would be things like Vrtra being dragged upstairs.

                        After that, it's customer service/support, such as when you get trapped under the docks.

                        After that, it's TOS violations.

                        you can toss a rachet in RMT plans, but you can never stop them, so it wouldn't be worth the added expense, and GMs becoming unvailble.


                        • #13
                          Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

                          Server specific teams would allow them to concentrate more on their various tasks as GM's but more focused, their information would be more reliable and less hectic. Priortizing a team to each servers would probably solve a lot of problems, not just RMT wise. I'm talking about other things, like hackers. If each server had their own team of GMs, the player base wouldn't feel so ignored. They're already boggled down anyways regardless if they are server specific. GMs are needed everywhere but I think focusing teams to specific servers would actually improve service.
                          Character information:

                          ^ Jotroge you roxs my soxs
                          Dayala :: 75 RDM / 75 WHM / 75COR / 75 SMN
                          EndlessAbyss HNMLS / GreatBelow Dynamis
                          Titan Server Rank 10 Sandy | Rank 10 Windy
                          RoZ: Completed | CoP: Completed | ToAU: TM Completed
                          AF2: 4/5 RDM 2/5 WHM
                          Crimson Gear: Hands: O Feet: O Legs: O Head: X Body: X
                          Zenith Gear: Hands: O Feet: O Legs: O Head: O Body: X


                          • #14
                            Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

                            Originally posted by Dayala
                            Server specific teams would allow them to concentrate more on their various tasks as GM's but more focused, their information would be more reliable and less hectic. Priortizing a team to each servers would probably solve a lot of problems, not just RMT wise. I'm talking about other things, like hackers. If each server had their own team of GMs, the player base wouldn't feel so ignored. They're already boggled down anyways regardless if they are server specific. GMs are needed everywhere but I think focusing teams to specific servers would actually improve service.
                            Except that it would mean expanding the GM team that they have several times, and would likely mean longer queues for GM help on busier servers. So it would bring it's own host of problems to the table too.


                            • #15
                              Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

                              Well if they had more people handling these problems they *would* be addressed sooner I'll admit that. But as I said in my post (ironic that you said I was the one who didn't read), GMs won't do anything to a RMT unless they *offer* to sell you gil in game. They can see everything that was said when it was said and to whom it was said. And they can do all this without a SS.

                              But adding more GMs, even if they weren't server specific, could only help things.
                              "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater

